Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal Your Christmas(JYC) Day 1

Well, here we are....December 2nd and I'm already behind. LOL! Isn't that just life! No matter, as long as I get to it. My journal/scrapbook isn't even made yet, but I can still do the writing piece (and the photography) and record it here for now..................

Day 1 is the prompt Shimelle calls the "manifesto." I like that word. It sounds exotic and important. It gives weight to this idea that I think some people see as quite frivolous. Mine will go something like this:

During this year's crazy, busy Christmas season I am dedicating myself to recording all the wonderful things I want to remember. The little details as well as the big events. I want to remember the things Emily says, the way the tree looks this year and the traditions we are creating. My hope is to capture the excitement, anticipation and sheer joy of the season.

My promise to myself and my family is to spend some time each day reflecting on all these different aspects of our holidays. Some days may be in depth and meaningful, others may be just fluff, and that is okay!

Think about how amazing it would be to have a journal like this written by your mother or your grandmother. What a priceless heirloom that would be!

That's why I am dedicated to doing this in December, 2008.