Wow, did I have a productive weekend! Mel went up to the Husky game, and Em and I stayed home. She decided she wanted to have a "Pajama Day", so we stayed in our jammies almost all day on Saturday.
She is such an amazing little girl, and growing up so quickly........she wanted to work on a mini-album kit I had bought her, but her workspace was a MESS (like mother, like daughter)! I told her she had to clean in up before we could get anything else out. In the past this would have set off a bout of whining and pouting--it's too hard, I can't do it by myself, etc.
Well, not this time. She got right in a started cleaning up and putting things away. I decided to go ahead and help her, kind of as a reward for doing such a good job, and partly to make sure things got put in the correct places (though she was doing pretty well herself). When she finished, we both got to work creating.
While she crafted, I crafted and we had fun talking. I was able to work on a project I have had in mind to submit to a contest, and am quite happy with how it is turning out. I will be able to share it sometime next month.
Later on we got a call from her best friend, Mandi, to come play for a while in the afternoon. I was able to work on a bunch of school papers while she was gone. I also got part of the laundry done and a few things straightened up and put away around the house. Let me say it again--PRODUCTIVE! Yay!!
Since I can't share what I actually worked on this weekend quite yet, I decided it would be a good time to post this year's Christmas cards. These were designed for my 2nd annual Christmas Card Workshop that I held on November 1st. Of course, I didn't get my own cards made that day..........

(I will update with supplies later today--I forgot I hadn't posted this entry yet!)